Feb 21 2018

Backstory Part 1

Published by at 8:23 am under Weight Loss

I wrote this after I hit my six month anniversary of doing Crossfit on January 20, 2017. This was huge for John and I as we had tried many fitness programs and diets, but we never stuck with anything. Ever. But we stuck with this one. Enjoy.

Now is the time when people are starting, continuing, or most often, quitting, their New Years Resolutions. Many of those resolutions involved going to a gym. A lot of people start, then stop, and then forget about it until the monthly payment comes out of the account and they resolve to stop paying it, then forget until the next month, and so on. It’s a vicious cycle to be on- I know, I’ve been there.

I am happy to say I started my resolutions six months ago, as today marks the six month anniversary of the John and I going to CrossFit.

Six months ago, July 20 to be exact, he and I were reeling from some family issues. John’s dad had passed away from complications of a stroke, and my dad was recovering from a heart attack resulting in a triple bypass.

Those two weeks sucked, lemme tell ya. Lots of stress.

We both were not in the best of shape, and we were heading rapidly down the road to ill health ourselves- obesity, hypertension, and a sedentary lifestyle.

So we took action and went to the local CrossFit gym. At 5:30 in the morning.

I was wondering what the hell John was thinking, but he was grieving, and me being a supportive wife, I went with him on this.

And I hated it. But yet I felt better. Serious internal conflict here.

We kept going back, again and again.

It became habit. We got to know the coaches and other members. We saw gains and success, both in how we felt and how much we could lift.

As it turns out, we inspire other people. They have told us. And these people are the ones who are in incredible shape who we look to for inspiration. And yet, they look to us for dedication, consistency, and positive attitude. Still having a hard time wrapping my brain around that one.

After these six months, I can honestly say I have never felt healthier or stronger in my life. My entire mental attitude towards exercise has changed- it is no longer punishment for what I ate, but a celebration of what my body can do. And the gym is one of the most positive and supportive places I know because of the people there. The craziest thing of all, though? Is that I actually look forward to going to the box and pushing my body and mind to the upper limit.

And just six days ago, John and I completed our first 10k race. We didn’t run, but also didn’t quit. We finished on our own power. It was awesome.

So yeah, I got an early start on my resolutions for 2017. And I look forward to what the rest of the year will bring.

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