May 10 2019

On the eve of my 40th birthday…

Published by at 8:16 pm under Mental health

People have asked me what I’m doing for my 40th. Am I having a big party, going out drinking, am I doing some wild and crazy?

The answer to all of those is no, no, and no.

I am having a small party of good friends with yummy food and cake. Large crowds of lots of people overwhelm me and wear me out. I prefer to have lots of smaller get togethers with a few people so I can really talk with them and catch up, as it may be. And besides, it usually means getting together over food- score for me!

I’m also doing something unusual. I gave up coloring my hair. It’s expensive and time consuming, and I am just done with it. I don’t want to have brittle, bleached-out, brassy hair when I’m 70. I will be embracing the gray as it comes in and celebrate that I made it this far in life to have earned gray hair.

I’m also embracing me. Who I am, what I believe, where I am in the journey of life. My life may not be where I had planned when I was 20 and clueless, but I am where I need to be, doing what I need to be doing. And that is ok with me.

I am embracing my mental health. I am saying no when I don’t want to do something and I am not apologizing for it. I am no longer allowing toxic people into my space. I am making myself a priority.

Along with that, I am focusing on being kinder to myself. If I said some of the things to other people that I have said to myself, I most likely would have been punched by now, at the very least. So I am embracing all of me, the stretch marks, the cellulite, the little black chin hairs. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll still pluck those little bastards the second I see them, but I won’t hate myself because of them.

So that is what I will be doing my my 40th. Maybe it is kinda wild and crazy after all.

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