Archive for the 'Mental health' Category

May 10 2019

On the eve of my 40th birthday…

Published by under Mental health

People have asked me what I’m doing for my 40th. Am I having a big party, going out drinking, am I doing some wild and crazy? The answer to all of those is no, no, and no. I am having a small party of good friends with yummy food and cake. Large crowds of lots […]

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Apr 13 2019

Still digging…

Published by under Food,Mental health

The end of 2019 was rough. I lost a job that I enjoyed, with people that were nice, decent pay, and great benefits. I had to go back into the job market and thusly, on unemployment benefits. It sucked. I had some interesting offers, some outrageous ideas, and some ass-clenching moments when I looked at […]

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